Solent Sky Museum
Support the museum


Click above to donate, or  here to read more about how you can help.


A snapshot of aviation history in our region, makes quite interesting reading... 7 pages in total.

Your stories

Sumbit your stories for publishing here...


Requests for research... click here to find out more

Members club

museum needs you

Join Solent Sky’s Supporters’ Group, and become part of the Spitfire City team.


Individual / Family Membership £30.00 (£20 renewal) includes:
Subscription to Solent Sky magazine,
Free entrance to the museum with 3 guests for a year,

Along with discounted tickets to our film evenings and events.

Corporate Membership (£90, £45 renewal) also includes 6 yearly passes and free advertising on our website.

 All members will receive a welcome pack.

Members of the Supporters’ Group will also have the opportunity to assist with the running of the museum on a daily basis (Volunteer)
From front of house to flight deck tours of our mighty Sandringham flying boat.
Any skills and knowledge you can bring to the table will be invaluable, but above all we value enthusiasm and passion for heritage.


To join, please fill out the form below:

  • Please tick as approriate:

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Click here for futher details about the Management structure of Solent Sky Museum.

RJ Mitchell

The Solent Sky Museum relies on visitor attendance and donations to keep the museum open.
In this modern day rising costs are making this harder to achieve.
Please help us keep the doors open by donating to our charity.Every penny helps, simply use the Paypal link to donate via your credit card, you do not need to have a Paypal account to do this.


Thank You

Albert Road South

SO14 3FR
Tel +44(0)2380 635 830
[email protected]
Charity Number 262995



Disabled access:
 All areas of the museum are accessible via lift or ramp,
except aircraft flight decks.




Albert Road South
SO14 3FR
Tel +44(0)2380 635 830
[email protected]
Charity Number 262995


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